HKBP AIDS Ministry
HKBP AIDS Ministry


Pertemuan HKBP AIDS Ministry dengan Praeses Distrik XVI Humbang Habinsaran: Mengaktifkan dan memperkuat fungsi HAM Distrik untuk HKBP tanpa AIDS
25 Jan 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Monday, 25 January 2021, the Human Rights team held another meeting to discuss the importance of the existence of HKBP AIDS Ministry District in Distr...
Laptop untuk belajar
21 Jan 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Monday, January 18 last, the brothers in the House of Love seemed happy. They just got a new laptop from, brother and sister of NHKBP DAGO alumni, DAG...
Hadiah dari teman
20 Jan 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Children who were accompanied by the HKBP AIDS Ministry received gifts of love from their brothers and sisters and their friends from the HKBP Bandung...
Komunitas untuk ODHIV Tapanuli Utara sehat
20 Jan 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
The community is an important forum for PLHIV to support each other, share information and assist friends who have just found out about their status....
Diskusi bersama untuk mengaktifkan HKBP AIDS Ministry Distrik VII Samosir
20 Jan 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Monday, January 18, 2021, District VII Samosir showed its seriousness in efforts to control HIV-AIDS in the Samosir VII District. Pdt. Rein Justin Gul...
Menuju Ending AIDS bersama Pemuda HKBP
15 Jan 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Hadiah manis di Hari Natal
08 Jan 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Last year, on 21 December 2020 the HKBP AIDS Ministry held a Christmas 2020 celebration with the children who were accompanied by HAM. They were overj...
Internet untuk belajar
08 Jan 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
The Covid-19 pandemic has made all students change their learning patterns, as well as their parents. All parents today must have a smartphone that al...
Ibadah Natal Anak bersama HKBP AIDS Ministry untuk Merayakan Cinta dan Kehidupan melalui penyertaan Tuhan setiap hari
23 Dec 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Refleksi Hari AIDS Internasional 2020
30 Nov 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Pelatihan Penguatan Pegorganisasian Komunitas Perempuan Positif Dampingan HKBP AIDS MINISTRY untuk Program HIV-AIDS Parapat, Jumat - Minggu, 20 – 22 November 2020
24 Nov 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Women living with HIV, often bear a burden that is many times that of men who are infected with HIV. From 2003 to October 2020 the HKBP Ministry of AI...
God Voices
26 Oct 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Youth plays an important role in efforts to prevent HIV-AIDS transmission. Most of the HIV-infected individuals are of productive age, those in the ag...
Forum Group Discussion ODHA sehat di masa pandemic COVID-19
12 Oct 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Healthy PLHIV Group Discussion Forum during the COVID-19 pandemicStill in the series of activities "Service Cooperation to Support the Welfare of PLWH...
Kerjasama Kegiatan Pelayanan untuk Mendukung Kesejahteraan ODHA, oleh PELKESI, RSU HKBP Balige dan HKBP AIDS Ministry
08 Oct 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
HKBP AIDS Ministry organizes service cooperation to support welfare. PLWHA together with the Christian Service for Health in Indonesia (PELKESI), as w...
“Meneguhkan Panggilan untuk Melayani” Retret Staf HKBP AIDS Ministry 2020
29 Sep 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
On the 25th and 26th, HKBP AIDS Ministry staff attended the retreat. The HKBP AIDS Ministry staff retreat this year carries the theme, affirming the c...
Jl. Gereja No.17, Lumban Dolok Haume Bange, Balige, Kabupaten Toba Samosir, Sumatera Utara
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