Sosialisasi HIV AIDS serta Pengenalan HKBP AIDS Ministry (HAM) Kepada Remaja Pemuda HKBP Distrik XIII Asahan Labuhan Batu (Wilayah I)
17 May 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Sosialisasi HIV-AIDS di HKBP Padangsidempuan
10 May 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Sunday, 9 May 2021, the HKBP AIDS Ministry was present at HKBP Padangsidempuan to deliver HIV-AIDS information. The Secretary of the HKBP AIDS Ministr...
Sosialisasi HIV-AIDS kepada remaja HKBP Siborongborong Kota
10 May 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
On Sunday night, 8 May 2021, as many as 50 teenagers and youth together with Sintua and parents attended to participate in the HIV-AIDS socialization...
Ayo cuci tangan
06 May 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Try to remember what we touched today? It could be that we just touched the toilet door handle, the toilet dipper then touched the food, touched our f...
Pelatihan Test and Treat kepada layanan Perawatan Dukungan dan Pengobatan (PDP)
04 May 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
From 27-30 April the HKBP AIDS Ministry represented by the secretary of the HKBP AIDS Ministry, Deaconess Berlina Sibagariang participated in this act...
Kegiatan Mobile Klinik di daerah Toba
03 May 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
HKBP AIDS Ministry in collaboration with the Toba district health office conducts mobile clinic activities for at-risk groups in the Toba district are...
Penjangkauan di Rumah Tahanan Balige
03 May 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Monday, 03 May 2021, the HKBP AIDS Ministry in collaboration with the Toba district health office and the Tandang Buhit Puskesmas conducted outreach t...
Diskusi bersama Departeme Diakonia HKBP, HKBP AIDS Ministry dan Pelayan Penuh Waktu HKBP Distrik VII Samosir, untuk HIV AIDS dan Pariwisata
27 Apr 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Tuesday, April 27th, the HKBP AIDS Ministry and the HKBP Diakonia Department were the speakers in the discussion with the full-time HKBP District VII...
Komunitas ODHIV Menanam Kentang
15 Apr 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Dolok Sanggul, April 14, 2021 HKBP AIDS Ministry (HAM) conducted a mentoring visit to the Dolok Sanggul community. This visit aims to participate in p...
HKBP AIDS Ministry menyampaikan informasi HIV-AIDS di Pulau Rapat
12 Apr 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
In order to develop Zending based Diakonia held on 19-22 March 2021, the Bureau Zending HKBP, UEM, HKBP AIDS Ministry, and CCM Salatiga cooperation mi...
Selamat hari kesehatan Dunia 7 April 2021
07 Apr 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Today we commemorate World Health Day, which falls on April 7, 2021, WHO sets the theme for World Health Day 2021 as "Building a fairer, healthier wor...
Pelatihan Pertanian Kacang Tanah kepada KDS Tapanuli Utara
01 Apr 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Tarutung, March 18, 2021. KDS in the North Tapanuli region accompanied by the HKBP AIDS Ministry is divided into 4 groups according to their respectiv...
Pelatihan Budidaya Bawang Merah untuk KDS Samosir
01 Apr 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the “Happy” Medan Social Rehabilitation Center for People with HIV (BRSODH), in collaboration with t...
Pelatihan Keterampilan beternak ayam untuk kelompok perempuan Siborunauli
01 Apr 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Balige, 18 March 2021, skills training activities for HKBP AIDS Ministry will continue, after training in souvenir skills, catfish farming, onion farm...
Pelatihan Pembuatan Keripik untuk KDS perempuan di wilayah Tapanuli Utara
01 Apr 2021, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Balige, March 18, 2021, after visiting Balige, to see how the process of Souvenir skills training, Mrs. Tien Septemberiawati, (head of the social reha...