HKBP AIDS Ministry
HKBP AIDS Ministry


Peringatan Hari AIDS Sedunia di Distrik I TABAGSEL
08 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Saturday, October 7: By the commemoration of World AIDS Day (HAS) which is held every year, precisely on December 1, the HIV AIDS Commission of Distri...
Diskusi untuk Kampanye Peringatan 16 HAKTP dan HARI HAM Internasional
08 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Tuesday 10 December 2019, at the Unimed Faculty of Social Sciences Hall, concerned interfaith organizations and humanitarian fighters held a Discussio...
Kampanye Stop AIDS oleh HKBP AIDS Ministry dan kabupaten Toba
07 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Balige, Selasa, 3/12/2019The Government of Toba Samosir Regency is carrying out an International AIDS Day commemoration campaign to voice HIV / AIDS p...
HKBP AIDS Ministry di Parongil
07 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Since 1988, the community Parongil struggle to resist the presence of the mining company, PT. Dairi Prima Mineral. This is because the exploration of...
HKBP AIDS Ministry menghadiri ibadah Hari Disabilitas Internasional
06 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Tuesday 3 December, HKBP AIDS Ministry attends the International Disability Day service. The event which was initiated by the UEM member churches in N...
Pemenang kompetisi Vlog dalam rangka Peringatan AIDS sedunia!
03 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Now, we have many media to convey information to the public. We need to be more creative in conveying information so that people are interested and ca...
Seminar HIV-AIDS kepada pemimpin gereja dalam rangka Peringatan Hari Internasional HIV/AIDS 2019.
03 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Pematangsiantar - November 29, 2019. HKBP AIDS Ministry, UEM Asia with North Sumatra PGIW, and GBKP HIV / AIDS Committee; organizes Commemoration of t...
Peringatan AIDS se-dunia 1 Desember 2020. Sebuah seruan untuk tetap berjuang!
03 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
The AIDS problem is not over yet! The United Nations Joint Program for HIV-AIDS (UNAIDS) reports, 46,000 new HIV infections in 2018 in Indonesia. This...
Peringatan hari AIDS se-dunia 1 Desember 2019
02 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Selamat Advent, 1 Desember 2019!
02 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Welcome to Advent I and commemorating World AIDS Day.Friends ...On World AIDS Day, we and the all the world remember, many people die because they don...
Sosialisasi HIV-AIDS kepada SMA N 1 Siborongborong di HKBP Sitabotabo
02 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
HIV-AIDS socialization to Siborongborong 1 N SMA at HKBP SitabotaboLast Saturday was a very pleasant experience with students of SMA Negeri 1 Siborong...
Persiapan Peringatan Hari AIDS Internasional bersama Ephorus HKBP, 22 November 2019
02 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
The commemoration of International AIDS Day is near, and this is an important moment to awaken the people of Indonesia and the world to care for peopl...
Sosialisasi HIV-AIDS di Posyandu Haun Atas, Laguboti, Kabupaten Toba Samosir
01 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
29 November 2019: Stigma and discrimination always come from information that is not evenly distributed among the people. HIV-AIDS information also ca...
Kerjasama HKBP AIDS Ministry dengan PENGMAS HKBP dalam rangka menigkatkan keterampilan hidup anak di House of Love, Nainggolan.
01 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
The house of love is home to six children living with HIV (ADHA). A few months ago, news of their refusal from public schools broke out in the communi...
Kunjungan dan pendampingan kepada ODHA di rumah
01 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
November 12, 2019One of the HKBP Ministry of AIDS programs is visiting assistants who live with families. This assistance is certainly very important...
Jl. Gereja No.17, Lumban Dolok Haume Bange, Balige, Kabupaten Toba Samosir, Sumatera Utara
© 2020 HKBP AIDS MINISTRY. All rights reserved