HKBP AIDS Ministry hadir di International Seminar Meeting 2019 Asian Rural International serta seminar sehari Food and Justice Reconciliation Inna Hotel Parapat, 5-7 November 2019
01 Apr 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
On Tuesday, November 5 - Thursday, November 7, 2019, the HKBP (HAM) Ministry of AIDS Prevention held a booth at the activities carried out by ARI,...
Pertemuan Rutin kelompok Santosa dan Si Boru Nauli
31 Mar 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Regular meeting of the Santosa and Si Boru Nauli groupsThe three pillars in preventing transmission of HIV-AIDS are 1). How to improve the quality...
Evaluasi External JKLPK (Jaringan Kerja Lembaga Pelayanan Kristen)
31 Mar 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
Friday, November 8, the HKBP AIDS Ministry as one of the Christian Service Institutions attended the External Evaluation of the Christian Service Inst...
Praktik Kerja Nyata Mahasiswa di HKBP AIDS Ministry
31 Mar 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
HKBP AIDS Ministry accepts students who want to practice and be involved in service programs at HKBP AIDS Ministry. The goal is that more and more you...
Pertemuan Raya Perempuan Gereja Pra Sidang Raya XVII Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja di Indonesia (PRPrG Pra SR XVII PGI)
31 Mar 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
The XVII Pre-Session Church Women's
Meeting of the Alliance of Churches in Indonesia (PRPrG Pre SR XVII PGI) from
November 2 to 05 at the Sumba...
Sosialisasi HIV-AIDS di Rapat Pendeta HKBP 2019
31 Mar 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
HKBP AIDS Ministry was
present at the HKBP priests meeting at the Sipoholon Seminarium which began on
October 21-24, but HAM started the activit...
Pemuda Indonesia bersatu Cegah penularan HIV-AIDS
31 Mar 2020, Adha Pratiwi Sianturi
In commemoration of the
Youth Pledge Day which 91 HKBP AIDS Ministry (HAM) together with BNN SUMUT,
PGIW-SU, GKI-SUMUT and PELKESI jointly held...