Check your HIV status now!
Oleh Adha Pratiwi Sianturi, 09 Nov 2020
Gereja-gereja Asia dipanggil untuk menjadi lebih relevan dalam mengatasi kerentanan orang yang hidup dengan HIV dan AIDS
Oleh Adha Pratiwi Sianturi, 22 Sep 2020
Asian churches should be more relevant in providing health and healing services, especially in dealing with vulnerability/people living with HIV and A...
Ketahui Statusmu Yuk, Cek Sekarang!
Oleh Adha Pratiwi Sianturi, 01 Sep 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic has made it quite difficult for us to do activities and make us forget about many things that are no less important. HIV AIDS, f...
Pre- Exposure Prophylaxis atau PrEP
Oleh Adha Pratiwi Sianturi, 21 Aug 2020
PrEP stands for Pr - Exposure P. prophylaxis, an HIV prevention strategy issued by the United States in mid-July 2012. The World Health Organization (...
Hari Anak Internasional dan situasi Anak dengan HIV AIDS (ADHA) dimasa Pandemi Covid-19
Oleh Adha Pratiwi Sianturi, 01 Jun 2020
01 June is celebrated as the day of the child International that is celebrated by the whole world . Celebration or commemoration day Children Interna...
Apa yang ODHA perlu tahu untuk mencegah Covid-19?
Oleh Adha Pratiwi Sianturi, 16 Apr 2020
These are difficult times for all of us. UNAIDS is urging people to act with kindness, not stigma and discrimination—people affected by COVID-19 are p...